Meet part of the Team
The main objectives of the Oxford A&P Association are to bring Town and Country together for one day a year to enjoy the country hospitality and to promote agricultural and pastoral excellence in all areas. The first Show of the Association was held in 1906, with the President being a Mr J O'Halloran. Where possible, Shows are continued to be held yearly , with Royal Event status being awarded to our Shows in 2005 , 2015, 2018 and 2019.
The Association is fortunate to own their own grounds, which are used extensively by the community for other events. Some of the users being the neighbouring Oxford Area School, Rugby, Cricket, Soccer and Pony Clubs and the local Scouts and Fire Brigade to name a few. The numerous buildings on the grounds have proven great assets to the association. These include a large General Purpose Hall owned by the community to house the produce, craft, and flower sections on Show Day, A&P/Rugby building, a 4 stand Shearing Shed, a storage shed which becomes the Highland Dancing display area on Show Day as well as other smaller buildings that are utilised throughout the year along with deer and cattle yards. The main arena is sited in the middle of the ground and at one end an 'all weather' smaller arena. We have a strong Membership, and we are thankful for their continued support. Along with the numerous Sponsors that support us each year with prize money, products and vouchers, without them we would not be able to run our successful shows. The Association is affiliated with the Royal Agricultural Society. This Society which was established in 1924, is one of the few organisations in New Zealand with a 'Royal" charter, and acts as an umbrella organisation for the 98 A&P Associations and over 60 breed societies throughout New Zealand |